Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

Rain blasphemer!"

Laisse la pluie!
Que l'amour pleuvoir sur moi
Que notre amour ne cesse de croître
Que les gouttes de pluie

Visible point in the bubble surface
Atmosphere inhalation gives life
For the breath - the breath and waiting in the surface soil
.. Then ..
Rain particles trooped out singing songs that could only be heard
By which those who feel the 'Fly'
Hypnotized by the rhythm of resonance that gives inspiration a million

And the rain began to reveal a collection of single-file
And began playing music similar nature to hum,
Who continue to spin in a balanced cycle ..

Instantly they blaspheme!
To the blasphemers Rain
Are they going drought along the arid grass and trees are uprooted?

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